Before you apply for student loans, find out if what you are getting loans for is what your student really wants to do. That leads to step:
Certain training can provide ideal chances to get a taste of the field before actually committing years of study and thousands of dollars toward a specific career that they may or may not enjoy.
...Kim completely changed her long-term career goals by using a training that was available to her. Planning to obtain a business degree, she went through a program that allowed her to work in her chosen field. But found research so fascinating, she switched to a science major instead...
How many times do we hear and read about people who get a college degree for a particular major and end up in an altogether industry because they did not like working in the field they earned their degree in?
It would be a waste of time and money if your student spent 4-6 years getting a degree in a field that, once they entered into the job market, they found they don't like the type of work that they were doing.
That leads people down a path of misery and doesn't inspire people to become their best self.
Going to college and finding a career that your child loves is ultimately what we send them to school for.
We don't send them off to college as a financial life sentence. We send them to college to inspire and get them the education they need to be able to practice their craft in the field that makes them the most happy.
College is suppose to inspire the passion for the love of an industry that they can go into to work and enjoy every minute that they are there.
I personally believe that when you do what you love and love what you do, you will never have to work a day in your life.
College is suppose to be that place that guides and molds these passions and turn their passions into employable skills.
But sometimes, what we thought we wanted to do doesn't turn out how we thought it would be. AND THAT IS OK.
That is why it is important that you don't apply for student loans before your student knows that they are making a sound decision.
It is important that we find this out before we spend 10s to 100s of thousands of dollars. Not figure that out after the fact.
This is why it is important for your student to get a taste of the type of work that they will be spending their time learning about in college, to see if it is a good fit for them.
This process should be done as early as possible as to not waste time and money on an opportunity that they may end up not utilizing later down the road.
Continue to Steps #3,4, &5 ===>
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