A student loan has the familiar beginning like that of a tsunami...it all starts with an earthquake that causes vibrations in the ocean far out at sea.
Similar to when you throw a pebble into water and cause ripples in a circular pattern.
The ripples that an earthquake produces gain momentum and speed.
By the time they reach land, they have morphed into 100 foot waves with the strength and power to kill and destroy all that gets in its path.
It reaches far past the coast and slams into buildings, homes, and anything that is in its way. Smashing and destroying everything around it until it drags all that it devastates out into the sea like a flooded landfill of wreckage and debris.
The point about tsunamis is that there really isn't time to prepare for their impact. All you can do is get as far away from the shore, as soon as possible, when the alarm sounds and hope and pray that you make it out of its way in time.
And the moment that you sign for the first loan, you set off a series of events in the effect of an earthquake in the middle of this ocean.
Every ripple is like the interest that accumulates and builds and builds as it gets closer and closer to the shores of graduation.
This tidal wave of debt comes crashing down onto your child's balance sheet with the strength to destroy and devastate any and all finances in its path.
But unlike a natural tsunami, you do know when it is going to hit their budget because the warnings went out the moment that the money exchanged hands.
The alarm sounded and it said that the waves will be arriving six months after leaving school.
Once the waves clear and the seas calm, they spend years of their career cleaning up the devastation.
Not only does this debt swallow up your child's budget and spit it back out like chewing gum...
...if you were a participant in causing the initial rift, and your child is not prepared, the wave is coming for you too.
My name is Jacqueline West and welcome to IAmStudentLoanFree.com.
Reducing to rubble the opportunities to buy a home, obliterating credit scores, reducing job opportunities, and worst of all, causing mental stress...
I see and hear all about the damage that student loans cause every day. Heck, I have a few stories of my own that I can share.
The first two options are:
Not only can this site help you with both of these options, I would love for you to use this site so that you and/or your student can
Use this site to learn more before you spend a dime on college to help you help your student to:
…I want to tell you more, but I would rather under promise and over deliver!
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The information that I provide on this site is all in an effort for you and your student to be able to stand on a roof top, for all to see, shouting to the world that...
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